10 ways to become a better player


In order to move your game skills to the next level, you should acquire several techniques. They can come in handy not only in golf, but also in other sports or in life in general. It is an investment, because of which you will probably have to rethink and change some of your routines, but which, on the other hand, will produce the results you are after.

Find your motivation

You have to know what motivates you in order to succeed. What helps you cope with difficult moments? Discover for yourself what is the reason you like golf. Does the magic of competition drive you forward? Or do you want to be a part of a team? Do you want to be the best? Or do you want to prove to those who do not believe in you that they are wrong? Get to know yourself and find what gives your engine a boost.

Define your goals

Once you have done your first homework and got to know your motivation, why not do your next homework. Establish goals that you want to achieve. While the motivation works in the long-term, the set goals will inspire you to take gradual steps. Thanks to them, you will improve every day. When you set your goals, dream of them – every day, imagine what it would be like if your goals were achieved.

Make a plan

Dreams and goals are important, but without an effective plan, they will forever remain a chimera. In order to materialise it, you need to think about the different stages that will pave the way to your success. When you start thinking and preparing your plan, do not forget to adjust the plan to your own values – since this will increase your chances of success. While dreams represent a vision, which you want to fulfil, your values act like an internal compass that keeps you on the right track.

There is no instant success

Do not expect everything to happen straight away – overnight. “Success in sport can take a lot of time. Not only lots of months, but years as well,” says David Carter, who in this context often mentions Vijay Singh or Miguel Ángel Jiménez since it was not until they were in their forties that they became really successful. It is therefore important not to compare yourself with those who have already met their targets, but with yourself alone in the past – compare where you are now to where you were a few years ago.

At least one step every day

Significant advances in performance are possible in any sport and you will still have enough space to move forward. “It is never finished. Even leading athletes don’t finish when they find themselves on top. They keep working hard to bring out the best in themselves. Every day they try to move towards their long-term goals,” says the English professional. It is these small steps every day, which add up in the long-term and represent a huge change.

Get to know yourself

Golf is not just about the golf swing; golf is a complex sport, in which a whole range of factors come into play. You have to know your strengths and weaknesses in at least four key areas so that you know what to focus on.

Consider your physical condition and have a plan made on how to exercise in order to move your game on. Ask all those whose opinions might be relevant. Do not ignore your psyche since head is alpha and omega of success in golf and without a good mental condition, you will never fully develop your potential. Also, check your game and tactical skills.

Train your mind every day

Mental training is one of the most neglected parts of golf training and sports training. Why? Most athletes – and often coaches – simply do not know how to do it. They know how to improve technical skills and fitness level, but no one ever taught them how to strengthen the “muscle” hidden inside the skull.

Yet it is a simple equation – if you want to build muscles, you need to train. If you want to be mentally strong, you have to work on that as well. The more the brain is used, the more efficiently it works for you. Mental training helps you tune your psyche for the most important tournaments, find the ideal activation level, strengthen confidence not only during performance but also before and after it, achieve the best possible performance through visualisation or overcome performance blocks.

Improve your strengths

A lot of players tend to focus only on their weaknesses in training and forget about their strengths. Strengths have to be protected and developed if you want them to become weapons that make you succeed on the course.

Keep physical

The fitter you are, the better and more confident you feel on the course. Confident golfers play better. It is a direct correlation. When you feel good and know that you endure a tournament without any difficulties, and when you are sure that you are better than your opponents, it pours a lot of energy into your veins. On the other hand, if you are not sure about your fitness level, your game will suffer. Do not underestimate it.

Seek pressure

The key to becoming a better tournament player is the art to perform when it really matters. If, during training, you evoke the impression that something really matters, you will automatically feel an increased pressure. It can then help you in real situations in tournaments. “That’s why pros are betting between themselves during training,” smiles David Carter. And so it is among professionals in other sports – after all, bets in hockey or football are commonplace.


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